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What kind of plant is the pretty name 'Marianne'?

by 멍뭉이꽃밭 2023. 12. 26.

 Today we are going to learn about Marianne (Dieffenbachia Marianne), which has a very feminine name. Let's find out where the bright and beautiful Marianne is from, what kind of environment she grew up in, how to raise her, and what things to watch out for.


Dieffenbachia Marianne
Marianne boasts beautiful cream-colored leaves.(photo by Mung flower garden)

Where is Marianne's hometown?

 Dieffenbachia Marianne is a tropical plant native to Central and South America. It belongs to the Araceae family and is famous for its beautiful, gradient green leaves. This plant is popular as an indoor ornamental plant due to its beautiful appearance and easy to grow nature, and is widely spread all over the world.


What is Marianne’s favorite environment?


 Dieffenbachia Marianne prefers a warm, humid environment with bright, indirect light. They say it is a plant that lives under tall trees, receiving indirect sunlight. They are also sensitive to cold temperatures, so keep them away from drafts or air conditioners. So, this plant should be grown indoors in the living room, not on the veranda. This plant requires regular watering to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, so it is important to set the soil to allow for proper drainage. These are the reasons why plants that are planted haphazardly and sold at flower shops run by non-professionals, just to copy the photos of Instagram-worthy plants, tend to die. In addition, in Korea, which is generally a dry environment except for the high humidity during the rainy season, it is very good to occasionally increase air humidity through spraying or by turning on a humidifier.

Dieffenbachia Marianne's leaves
Marianne's new shoot starts from the growth point of the previous leaf and grows by protruding a new leaf. (photo by Mung flower garden)

How does Marianne grow?

 Some of the distinguishing features of Dieffenbachia Marianne include its large, glossy leaves that are variegated in white or cream. The leaves are not of one color but spread out in a gradient style, with the central part being the color of cream soup sprinkled with parsley, and the outside being bright green. These leaves can grow up to 30 cm long and 15 cm wide, and the plant can grow up to 90 cm tall.


 Like a monstera, the new leaf shoot grows like a protuberance from the growth point of the previous leaf, and then a new leaf emerges. Like other plants with this type of leaf growth, new leaves grow in a counterclockwise spiral arrangement.



Is Marianne toxic?


 Yes, Marianne leaves are poisonous. Always be careful when handling it and avoid touching the sap directly or getting it on your skin. In addition, consuming this plant can cause symptoms such as swelling, itching, and especially swelling of the esophagus, making it difficult to ingest food. In severe cases, it can lead to difficulty breathing or even death. It is recommended that you wear gloves when handling this plant and keep it out of the reach of children and pets.

Dieffenbachia Marianne
Marianne, with its beautiful and mysterious cream-colored leaves (photo by Mung flower garden)


About Dieffenbachia family....

 Plants belonging to the Dieffenbachia species are very popular because of their unique and beautiful leaf colors, such as Marianne. This is because it has a mysterious magical power that changes a gray concrete city into a bright and emotional one. The space where this plant is placed will definitely feel bright, cheerful and joyful. If you are considering planting a plantainer, you need to pay attention to this Dieffenbachia species. Among these pretty Dieffenbachia, in addition to Marianne, there are 'Dieffenbachia picta', 'Dieffenbachia Bowmannii', and 'Dieffenbachia Maculata'.

