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Shall we learn about 'Holly wood'? When you think of images of the American West, you probably think of “Hollywood” signs written on hillsides. Hollywood, the dream of every celebrity in the world! But did you know that the name of this place was originally named because there were many trees called 'Holly wood'? Today we are going to learn about the holly tree, also called Holly wood! Let’s all go!!! What about Holly wood? Holly.. 2024. 2. 5.
Beautiful leaves that look like they were painted on a picture, lubbersiana Recently, as the import of exotic plant species has become more active in Korea, various tropical plants that were not seen before can be easily seen around us. Today, "Calathea lubbersiana" is a popular plant in the Marantha family with beautiful leaves that look like they were painted with a pretty brush. Let’s learn about Calathea ctenante lubbersiana variegata. Let's go! 1. What about Calath.. 2024. 2. 1.
Neat and delicate Monstera Adansoni Variegata Monstera adansoni variegata is one of the most popular indoor plants among green lovers and plant lovers. Looking at the Monstera adansoni, with its very small, cute and delicate leaves fluttering in the sky, makes you want to stare at them all day. But actually, it's not that easy to find information about this plant. Today, we will learn about Monstera adansoni and how to care for it indoors. .. 2024. 1. 23.
The shade of the dream tree... Peerless (Syzigium) The scenery of a tree standing tall and stylish in the middle of a green garden... A beautiful scenery that seems like something you've seen in a dream, and you and your loved one resting under the shade... There is a mini plant that allows you to imagine such a wonderful picture. The name is a plant called Sizigium (common name: Peeris or Brush Cherry). I will introduce you to the characteristi.. 2024. 1. 22.