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Shall we learn about Hong Kong palm tree?

by 멍뭉이꽃밭 2023. 12. 26.

 Is it a Hong Kong palm tree(Schefflera arboricola, Snake plant) because it is a palm tree that you can see a lot in Hong Kong? Today, we will learn about the origin and origin of the Hong Kong palm tree, its various ecological characteristics, any toxicity or precautions, and what types there are. In particular, we will provide information about the large-leaved Hong Kong palm.


Umbrella Tree
Schefflera actinophylla (photo by Mung flower garden)


Origin of Hong Kong palm name

 The name of this Hong Kong palm is Schefflera arboricola Hong Kong, its scientific name is Schefflera actinophylla, and its popular name in English-speaking countries is 'Umbrella Tree' or 'Hawaiian Elf' or 'Snake plant'. It is a dicotyledonous plant of the Aralia family. There are many names like this, but it is commonly called Hong Kong palm tree. This is because the origin of this plant is southern China and Taiwan, so you can see it a lot when you go to Hong Kong. However, this plant has about 900 species of various shapes and sizes and is also found in Central America, South America, and Africa.

Ecology of Hong Kong palm trees


 There are two main types of Hong Kong palms that are commonly distributed. One is the large-leaf Hong Kong palm, which grows well in warm and humid climates, and the other, just called the Hong Kong palm, which likes hot and humid places but adapts well to temperate climates. there is. Basically, both of these species are plants that adapt quickly to the environment and adapt well to the situation where they are, so the difficulty level can be said to be medium to low.



The growth of Hong Kong palm trees


 Hong Kong palm is one of the fastest growing plants. Of course, the growth speed may vary depending on the type and size of the plant. Cultivation methods are relatively simple. Schupelera is a semi-diurnal plant that loves light, so it is best to grow it in a relatively bright location. It is especially recommended to receive direct sunlight, and sufficient light is required for photosynthesis. Additionally, Superhera must be provided with sufficient water before it can grow. However, too much water can cause the roots to rot, so the amount must be maintained appropriately. It's a very ambiguous and difficult thing to say, but during the growing season, it's usually best to give it when the top soil dries, and other than that, it's better to give it between ten to fifteen days when the soil is completely dry.


snake plant, umbrella plant
'The umbrella plant' has pretty leaves that spread out like the spokes of an umbrella. (photo by Mungflower garden)


Toxicity of Hong Kong palm


 The Hong Kong palm tree is known to be highly toxic to humans and pets. Ingestion may cause abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., so caution is required with young children and pets.



Why grow Hong Kong palm trees?

 Despite being such a toxic plant, Hong Kong palm has excellent air purifying effects and the ability to reduce fine dust. It has a very pretty tree shape and cute leaves that spread out like the spokes of an umbrella, so it can serve as a foliage plant. Above all, it is a plant that has good survival ability and adapts well to any environment, making it the best companion plant.



Concluding the article...

  Until a few years ago, small-leafed Hong Kong palm trees were popular in Korea, but recently, we can see that large-leafed Hong Kong palm trees are being widely used as plan décor props used as backgrounds for various K-dramas and K-movies.

  It is true that among plants with diverse and wonderful leaves, there are not many foliage plants that are as easy to grow and propagate as the Hong Kong palm. If you are a reader who is having trouble growing plants, I recommend starting with this Hong Kong palm.

