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Find out about Jewel Money Tree (Dwarf ZZ plant)

by 멍뭉이꽃밭 2023. 12. 23.

 'Jewel Money Tree', called 'Dwarf ZZ plant' in English-speaking countries, is famous in Korea as a plant that brings financial luck.  In South Korea, it is a custom to give this plant as a gift to a friend when they open a store or move to a new office. Today, we will learn about the Dwarf ZZ plant.


Dwarf ZZ plant, Jewel Money tree
ZZ plant with attractive fresh and plump leaves (Photo by Mung flower Garden)


Dwarf ZZ plant with leaves as brilliant as jewels

 Dwarf ZZ plant is a popular indoor plant known for its easy care and attractive appearance. In particular, in South Korea, it is more famous as a “plant that brings financial luck” because its leaves are shaped like silver coins from the Qing Dynasty in China. It has shiny, oval-shaped leaves and is easy to water and grow, so it is often used as a flowerpot gift to celebrate the opening of a business. This plant is a smaller, more compact version of the money tree, also known as Zamioculcas zamiifolia. This plant is native to eastern Africa and has become a popular houseplant due to its ability to tolerate low light and dry conditions.


The origin of Dwarf ZZ plant

 Dwarf ZZ plant is native to eastern Africa, especially Kenya, Tanzania, and Zanzibar. This plant grows in dry, rocky areas and is famous for its ability to tolerate drought and low light. That is why it is very popular for interior decoration.



The ecology of Dwarf ZZ plant

Dwarf ZZ plant is famous as a slow-growing plant and can usually grow up to 60cm, making it ideal as an indoor plant. Thick, glossy leaves emerge sequentially on both sides of one stem. Plants adapt well to low lighting conditions, grow without any problems even under indoor fluorescent lights, and can survive in the normal indoor temperature range of 15 to 20 degrees. Sometimes, there are people who leave this jeweler outdoors, but if the temperature drops below about 5 to 10 degrees, it can suffer from cold damage. Therefore, we recommend growing it indoors. It is also known for its ability to tolerate infrequent watering, making it an ideal plant for people who tend to forget to water their plants. Usually, it is recommended to water every 20 to 30 days. Some people reflexively water all their plants once a week, but in most cases, the stems shrivel, turn yellow, and die due to overwatering. Therefore, we recommend watering occasionally.


Growth tips for Dwarf ZZ plant

 ZZ is an easy plant to care for as it requires very little maintenance. Here are some tips for growing a healthy and attractive ZZ.


1. Choosing the right flower pot


 Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the plant's root ball. Pots that are too large can cause roots to rot if overwatered. Also, make sure there are drainage holes at the bottom of the pot to prevent water from accumulating. In particular, if you open the roots of this plant, you will see that the thick and plump roots are tangled together, so if you plant them in a small pot, the roots may be damaged.

2. Soil requirements

 Wildflowers require well-draining soil rich in nutrients. It is best to use loam mixed with various good ingredients sold on the market, or to make it using clean washed topsoil with perlite, bark, and masato(coarse sand) in a 1:1 ratio. If you mix granular fertilizer that you sprinkle on the soil, the leaves will become shiny and grow plump.


3. Watering

 It is advisable to water the bailey seedlings when the soil is completely dry. If you poke a wooden stick or skewer into the soil and the soil that comes out feels soft, it is a good time to feed it. It usually takes about 30 days indoors for the soil to dry like this. (Of course, calculate plus or minus 10 days depending on the indoor environment.) Also, if you water too frequently and leave the soil wet for a long time, it may lead to root rot. As explained earlier, the roots of this plant are white, plump, and densely shaped. Therefore, because they are crowded together, they can rot easily in a moist environment. Remember that this is a plant that should absolutely avoid overwatering. This plant in particular can go without water for weeks, making it an ideal plant for people who tend to forget to water their plants.

4. Sunshine

Bailheads prefer low to moderate sunlight conditions. Therefore, direct sunlight can quickly burn the leaves, so it is best to place the plant indoors in a place with indirect light if possible. This plant can survive in low light conditions, making it an ideal plant for offices or rooms with limited natural light.

5. Fertilizer

 It is best to place a fertilizer holder in liquid form into the soil. If you apply excessive fertilizer to the soil, you may notice the tips of the leaves turning black. Therefore, if you apply or spray liquid fertilizer once in late spring or early summer when the plant is growing, you can see healthy and shiny leaves all year round.


6. Repotting requirements

 Bail transfers do not require frequent repotting. Once every 2-3 years, when the plant outgrows its pot, you can repot it. However, it may be better for the plant not to repot if possible. Frequent repotting can cause root damage and body rot.


7. How to reproduce

 Bailgrass can be propagated through stem cuttings. Cut a stem with several leaves about 15cm long, then plant the cutting in a pot filled with well-draining soil and keep it moist until the roots grow. After about a month, you will be able to see that roots have sprouted, and you can transplant it to another pot.

8. Pest and disease management

 Another advantage of bailers is that they are generally pest-free. However, they may occasionally be susceptible to mealybugs and spider mites. Diseases caused by these insect pests can be prevented with frequent observation. If you see insects on the leaves or stems, there are various insecticides available on the market, so you can purchase them and get rid of them. If you usually schedule pest control in the spring and fall and perform preventive pest control, you can grow clean and pretty plants.



 We have learned about Dwarf ZZ plant above. The price of the Dwarf ZZ plant (Geumjeonsu, Jewel Money plant) is a bit more expensive than that of the common Dwarf ZZ because its leaves are more elegant and pretty. Medium-sized gems can be purchased at the farm for 30,000 to 50,000 won, and if planted in a pretty pot, they will cost 60,000 to 100,000 won. Please keep this in mind when purchasing.

