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Coin leaves bring good luck - Clusia Loggia

by 멍뭉이꽃밭 2024. 1. 14.

 Clusia Loggia (common name: Clusia), which has large coin-like leaves hanging on sturdy stems, is well known as a plant that brings financial luck along with the money tree and the Great Incense. So, it is often used as a gift for opening a business. If you look at the leaves of plants with this meaning, they usually resemble the shape of silver coins used during the Qing Dynasty, so they may have gained this meaning. Today, we will learn about the characteristics and how to grow Clusia loggia, which is said to bring financial luck. Follow me!


clusia loggia
Clusia loggia (photo by Mung flower garden)

What about Clusia Loggia?


 Clusia loggia is an evergreen shrub that can grow up to 12 meters tall. It has thick, leathery leaves that are glossy and dark green. The leaves are about 12 cm long and 7 to 8 cm wide. The plant produces beautiful, large white or pink flowers about 15 cm in diameter. The flower has five petals and is cup-shaped.

What kind of environment does Clusia Loggia live in?


 Clusia loggia is a fascinating plant that has adapted to survive in a variety of environments. This plant is classified as a pioneer plant due to its excellent ability to dominate an area after disturbance, and can also become an ecologically disturbing species. It often grows on rocky hillsides, roadsides, and other areas with poor soil quality. Clusia rosea can also tolerate salt spray, making it a common plant in coastal areas. Its ability to withstand a wide range of environmental conditions makes it an important plant that is also used in urgent ecological restoration projects.


Unique characteristics of Clusia loggia


 One of the most unique features of Clusia loggia is its ability to photosynthesize in a very unusual way. Clusia loggia has special cells called 'guttations' that release water and oxygen into the atmosphere instead of stomata in the leaves, which are tiny holes that allow gases to pass in and out of the plant. This process is known as 'CAM photosynthesis' and allows plants to conserve water in environments where rainfall is limited. Therefore, there are many cases where this plant is viewed closer to a succulent plant rather than a regular foliage plant.

Is Clusia loggia also used as medicine?

 Another interesting feature of Clusia loggia is its ability to produce latex, a milky white substance that oozes out of the plant when cut or injured. This latex is thought to have medicinal properties and has been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, from skin infections to digestive problems. The latex produced by this plant is thought to have antibacterial and antifungal properties and has been used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including wounds, burns, and infections. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it a potential treatment for conditions such as arthritis and other inflammatory disorders. Recent research suggests that Clusia logia may have potential as an anti-cancer agent. Studies have shown that the plant extract has the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in vitro, although further research is needed to determine its efficacy as a cancer treatment.

clusia loggia
Clusia loggia with attractive plump leaves (Photo by Mungflower garden)


How do I take care of a Clusia loggia at home?

 Clusia loggia is a hardy plant that can withstand a variety of conditions, making it an ideal choice for indoor and outdoor spaces. Here are some tips to help you grow Clusia loggia at home!


Putting it in the right place


 Clusia loggia grows best in bright, indirect sunlight. Place the plant in a sunny window, but avoid direct sunlight as this can burn the leaves. The ideal temperature range for Clusia rosea is 15°C to 29°C. You should keep your plants away from vents and air conditioner vents, as these can cause temperature fluctuations.

Water properly

 Clusia loggia requires moderate watering. In general, it is easy to think of it as giving water like succulents or cacti. The best thing to do is to water your plants when the top layer of soil feels dry to the touch. In normal Korean weather, it will usually take about 20 to 30 days after watering for the flower pots to feel dry. Also, make sure the pot has drainage holes to prevent water from pooling. Too much water can cause the roots to rot, which can be fatal to the plant.

Correct soil setting and fertilization

 Clusia loggia prefers well-drained soil rich in nutrients. Use a potting mix that contains perlite, vermiculite, or sand to improve drainage. Fertilize your plants every 2-3 months with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Buying just pretty plants from a flower shop run by non-professionals can be a risky choice. Find a flower shop run by professionals.

Proper pruning and tree shaping

 Clusia loggia is a slow growing plant and does not require frequent pruning. However, once the plant starts to look leggy, you can prune it to encourage bushier growth. Prune in spring or summer using clean, sharp scissors or secateurs.


I want to breed Clusia loggia!


 Clusia loggia can be propagated from stem cuttings or seeds. Stem cuttings are the easiest and most successful method of propagation. Here's how: Cut healthy stems that are 10-15 cm long and have at least two sets of leaves. Remove the lower leaves and dip the cut ends into rooting agent. Plant the eggplant in a pot filled with moist, well-draining soil. Cover the pot with a plastic bag to create a mini greenhouse and place it in a bright, warm place. Keep the soil moist and mist the cuttings with water daily. After 3-4 weeks, the cuttings will begin to root. Once the roots are established, simply remove the plastic bag and plant your Crucia in a pot with a well-designed soil setting.

The funny story of Clusia Loggia

 Clusia loggia is a popular ornamental plant with cultural significance in many parts of the world. In the Caribbean, Clusia loggia is known as the sign tree because people carve their names into its thick, leathery leaves. In some cultures, Clusia loggia is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the home. In particular, in East Asia, it is recognized as a plant that brings financial luck and is often used as a gift to loved ones.

FAQs about Clusia Loggia:

Q: Is Clusia loggia an easy plant to care for?
A: Yes, Clusia loggia is a hardy plant that can withstand a variety of conditions, making it an ideal choice for indoor and outdoor spaces.

Q: Can Clusia loggia be grown indoors?
A: Yes, Clusia loggia can be grown indoors as long as it receives enough light and humidity. It is recommended to place the plant in a bright, indirect location and mist it regularly to maintain appropriate moisture levels.

Q: Can Clusia loggia be used medicinally?
A: Yes, Clusia loggia has been used in traditional medicine for a variety of purposes, including treating skin conditions, fever, and respiratory problems. However, it is essential to consult a medical professional before using the plant medicinally.

Q: What is the cultural significance of the Clusia Loggia?
A: In many cultures, the Clusia Loggia is considered a symbol of love, friendship, and prosperity. They are often given as gifts to express these feelings.

Q: Where can I buy Clusia Loggia?
A: Clusia loggia can be purchased from flower shops and online plant stores. However, it is important to source your plants from a reputable supplier to ensure their health and quality.

