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꽃장식용 절화27

공간디자인을 위한 플라워 장식 공간을 디자인 하는 수많은 방법 중에 가장 화려하고 안정적인 작업이 플라워 장식이 아닐까합니다. 최근에는 생화 장식이 아닌 다양한 소재의 장기 보관이 용이한 장식품들이 나와있어 플로리스트들의 영감을 자극합니다. 오늘은 공간디자인을 위한 플라워 장식의 세계에 대해 알려드릴께요.   센터피스 장식 센터피스 장식은 공간디자인의 기초이자 기본입니다. VIP의 책상, 응접 탁자의 분위기를 바꾸는 장식, 또는 식탁을 더욱 풍성하게 만드는 플라워장식입니다. 보통 테이블 센터피스를 제작할 때에는 그 용도가 "마주 앉은 사람과의 심리적 안정감을 위한 물리적 분리"를 위해 두는 것이라 앉았을 때 시야를 가리지 않는 적당한 높이로 만드는 것이 답입니다. 또한 집의 현관 앞에 두는 콘솔을 장식하는 센터피스의 경우 적당한 높이.. 2024. 6. 26.
Beauty and the Beast in a glass dome...! You may have seen a pretty object that depicts a fantasy scene inside a glass dome with twinkling lights. This exquisitely crafted object becomes even more beautiful when paired with beautiful floral materials that are preserved fresh flowers, called preserved flowers. In particular, a handmade piece depicting a scene from the Disney animated film Beauty and the Beast seems to have unique value... 2024. 6. 22.
You are in harmony with flowers, Body flower The girls running around the field saw the wild flowers they came across and started picking them one by one and putting them in their ears. I think it is the instinct of a beautiful person to see beautiful flowers and decorate themselves. Discovering yourself as one with flowers and satisfying your desire to become as pretty as flowers is probably the most human thing to want to assimilate with.. 2024. 6. 22.
Tell fortunes with flower petals. Spring flower Marguerite By tearing off the petals one by one, you can tell the heart of the person you love secretly. I love you, I don't love you... I love you, I don't love you... I love you... When you see overwhelming hope in the last of the flower petals that fall one by one, you become happy as if you have the whole world. Today, we are going to learn about the beautiful Marguerite, who comes like the first love .. 2024. 6. 22.