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Colorful striped Calathea Orbifolia

by 멍뭉이꽃밭 2024. 1. 2.

 The colorfully striped Calathea Orbifolia is a stunning tropical plant native to South America. It is a popular ornamental plant among plant lovers due to its unique oval-shaped leaves. This plant is a great addition to indoor gardens because it is easy to care for and has many benefits. In this post, we look at interesting stories about Orbifolia, including academic, ecological, and vegetation information about it, as well as management methods to ensure it grows well.


calathea orbifolia
Calathea orbifolia has beautiful striped leaves (Photo by Mung flower garden)


Home of Calathea Orbifolia


 Calathea orbifolia is a well-known round-leaved Calathea of the Marantha family. There are many different species of Calathea, and while most of them have elongated leaves, Orbifolia has a unique round shield-like shape, making it more popular. It is an evergreen perennial plant native to Bolivia that grows up to 60cm in height. In addition to its large, round leaves, this plant is even more attractive with its silvery green leaf color.

 Orbifolia also has a very good air purifying ability, making it a suitable plant for indoor environments. Studies have shown that plants can remove harmful pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide from the air better than any other plant, making them a great indoor addition.

Where do you buy Calathea orbifolia?

 Orbifolia grows in tropical rainforests of South America, in moist, shady areas. Because of its habit of growing under large trees in a jungle-like environment, it prefers indirect sunlight, moderate temperature, and high humidity. So it is a perfect plant for indoor environments with insufficient light. However, since it is sensitive to cold temperatures and wind and its leaves may curl, it is recommended to place it in a living room or room where a certain temperature is maintained rather than on the veranda. Like all types of plants, Orbifolia grows well in well-drained soil and moistens the soil. It is important to keep it moist but not submerged in water. Overwatering can cause roots to rot and kill the plant. It is also essential to fertilize your plants regularly during the growing season to ensure healthy growth.


How to care for Calathea orbifolia

 Orbifolia is one of the less difficult plants to care for. This plant prefers indirect light, as explained earlier, and it is essential to avoid direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves. Therefore, it is best to place it in a semi-shady place inside the living room without direct sunlight. It is also a good idea to maintain a high humidity level by placing a humidifier near the plant or spraying the leaves regularly. It is also important to keep the plant well watered but not submerged in water, so it is better to increase the ratio of soil to soil when planting. Required. It is also a good idea to keep watering cycles relatively short as the soil should be moist but not waterlogged and it is important to avoid plants sitting in standing water. However, this is a standard when planted in well-drained soil. Additionally, fertilizing your plants with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season can also help promote healthy growth.


calathea orbifolia's leaves
Calathea orbifolia has attractive bright stripes and silver-green round leaves. (Photo by Mungflower garden)


How to care for Calathea orbifolia to grow beautifully

 Orbifolia is easy to grow and grows to about 60cm tall when fully grown, so with proper care, it can be grown well in any indoor environment. When it grows a lot, it can be differentiated and propagated by dividing roots, so it is also great for food technology. Here are some care tips for growing this easy-to-care Orbifolia at home.


Correct location


 Plants prefer indirect light and should avoid direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves. Please place it in the shade inside the living room or inside the room. Since it has a great air purifying effect, it is also a good idea to place it in the bedroom.

Correct temperature


 Plants prefer moderate temperatures and should avoid cold winds that can curl their leaves. Many people who grow it on their verandas in the winter have inquired about the plant turning yellow and drying out in the spring. Keep in a warm place to avoid damage from cold.

Correct humidity


 Plants require high humidity levels, so it is best to place a humidifier near the plant or mist the leaves regularly. However, if you plan to spray the leaves frequently, spray only the leaves and don't forget to water the soil regularly.

Correct watering


 The soil should be moist but not waterlogged and it is important to ensure the plants are not in standing water. This condition is usually said to be, "Water when the top soil is dry..."


Correct fertilizer


 Fertilizing your plants with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season can help promote healthy growth. Applying slow-release fertilizer in early spring or early summer will help a lot in producing new leaves.

