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Learn about the coffee tree - a fragrant magical drink

by 멍뭉이꽃밭 2023. 12. 31.

 The love for coffee in Korea is so great that it is now called the Republic of Coffee. This is the coffee tree that produces this coffee. In this episode, we will learn about the ecological characteristics of coffee trees, the cultural value of coffee, and how to grow ornamental coffee trees and tips for growing them healthily.


Coffee tree
This is a 2-year-old coffee tree planted in a pot. (Photo by Mungflower garden)

The coffee tree that has become so precious

 Coffee trees are essential to the coffee industry and play an important role in the global economy. The coffee industry employs millions of people worldwide, and isn't it surprising that coffee is the second most traded commodity globally after oil? These coffee trees are very important to the environment, providing shade, oxygen and habitat not only to people but also to a variety of animals. They grow well in tropical-subtropical regions called coffee habitats, and the famous regions include Colombia, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Brazil. Recently, there has been news that Korea's Gangwon-do has also successfully cultivated coffee and created a local brand, so it can be said that the habitat for coffee is increasing.


Ecological characteristics of coffee trees


Natural habitat of coffee trees

 Coffee trees are known to have originated from the highlands of Ethiopia. It is said to grow under the trees in the forest here. I once went to Bali, Indonesia, and I remember visiting the Luwak coffee production area. I once saw natural coffee being grown in a very dense jungle-like place. We were able to confirm that naturally, they grow very densely like this.


Growing conditions for coffee trees


 Coffee trees require specific growing conditions to thrive. It grows best in areas with good drainage, high rainfall, and moderate temperatures. Coffee trees also need shade, which is provided by other trees in the forest or by shade-grown coffee farms. Therefore, if you want to grow this coffee tree at home as an ornamental, you should keep it indoors in a semi-shady place away from direct sunlight to prevent the problem of leaf burn. Additionally, the soil in the pot must be designed taking into account the relationship with the roots so that drainage can occur properly. I have seen many cases where coffee plants were planted haphazardly by non-professional florists, causing the roots to rot and die within a short period of time. Again, it is best to purchase plants through a plant expert. In fact, there are many cases where the customer purchasing the product is not a plant killer.


Impact of climate change on coffee production

 Climate change is having a significant impact on coffee production globally. Rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns are affecting the growth and yield of coffee trees. Farmers are also facing new challenges such as increased pest and disease pressure as a result of climate change. They say that the day may soon come when coffee will be very expensive.


coffee tree's leaves
The coffee tree is loved as an ornamental plant for its uniquely shaped leaves, patterns, and luster. (Photo by Mung flower garden)


Cultural-Historical Story of the Coffee Tree

 Coffee has a rich cultural history, and the coffee tree has played an important role in many cultures around the world. In this section, we look at the cultural significance of coffee trees and their impact on different communities.

Origin of Coffee

 According to legend, coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia in the 9th century. From Ethiopia it spread to the Arabian Peninsula, where it developed into a very popular drink. Coffee then finally made its way to Europe in the 17th century, becoming a staple in many countries. I remember seeing Ethiopian, Arabica, and Italian brands used a lot in coffee advertisements in the past, and they all had historical meaning.

Cultural meaning of coffee

 Coffee drinking has played an important social and economic role in many cultures around the world. In Ethiopia, where it was first discovered, coffee ceremonies are an essential part of social gatherings and the coffee tree is considered a symbol of welcome to visitors. In line with this, the fact that “Would you like to have a cup of coffee” signifies hospitality and socialization can be understood as a continuation of this long-standing tradition. In other cultures, coffee has also been associated with social and political movements, such as the coffeehouses of 18th-century Europe, which were hotbeds of political and intellectual discourse. In particular, coffee houses in France in the late 19th century were famous as places where artists gathered to do business. The movie based on this is 'Midnight in Paris'.


 These coffee trees are also a source of inspiration for artists and designers around the world. This section explores the artistic qualities of the coffee tree, including its use in art, design, and fashion. From 18th-century botanical illustrations to modern coffee-themed illustrations, the coffee tree has inspired artists around the world. Coffee trees have also become a source of inspiration for designers and fashion houses around the world. From coffee-inspired fabrics to coffee-themed furniture, the coffee tree has been used in many design and fashion creations.


stem system of coffee tree
The coffee of a coffee tree is grown at the ends of the leaf stems that face each other. (Photo by Mung flower garden)

Growing a Coffee Tree

 Coffee trees of this infinite value are also widely used for ornamental purposes. How do I grow an ornamental coffee tree? Consider the following guidance and take on the challenge of growing a beautiful ornamental coffee tree!


1) Choose the right location

 Coffee trees prefer bright, indirect light. Place your tree near a window that gets plenty of natural light. However, direct sunlight can damage the leaves, so avoid places exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time if possible.


2) Correct soil setting


 Use a mix of well-draining topsoil and sandy soil with a pH level of about 6.0. Coffee trees prefer slightly acidic soil.

3) Proper watering


 Water your coffee tree regularly, but don't overwater it. It is important to allow the soil to dry slightly before watering again. If the soil does not dry out and remains wet, it can lead to root rot. In particular, make sure that there is no stagnant water in the water tray.


4) Fertilizing


 It is a good idea to fertilize your coffee plants with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). If this is a bit bothersome, it is a good idea to sprinkle granular fertilizer on the soil.


5) Pruning


 Coffee trees are pruned to control their size and shape. It is best to remove dead or damaged branches promptly. When using pruning scissors, we recommend that you sterilize the scissors before doing so. If you cut off a large portion and a lot of the pruning is exposed, it is a good idea to apply paraffin melted with a candle to prevent the invasion of germs.


6) Beware of pests


 The leaves of the coffee tree have no scent under normal conditions, but when the leaves are removed, the unique, savory scent of coffee spreads. Fragrant trees are more likely to attract bugs. Common pests that can specifically infest coffee trees include spider mites, beetles, and grasshoppers. Also, yellow egg-shaped aphids may appear between the leaves, so if you see signs of pest infestation, control them with an appropriate insecticide. Usually, if you spray an emulsion-type spray insecticide in early spring, they will grow for a year without any major problems.

