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Would you like to grow a Gardenia jasminoides whose scent is intoxicating?

by 멍뭉이꽃밭 2024. 1. 1.

 For customers who want to change the atmosphere of their home, we highly recommend gardenia as a popular plant species with glossy evergreen leaves, fragrant white flowers, and rich history. In this blog, we will tell you about the academic, ecological and biological characteristics of gardenia, how to grow it well at home, how to reproduce, and interesting stories related to this plant!


What about Gardenia Jasminoides?

 Gardenia Jasminoides, also known as Cape Jasmine, is an evergreen shrub native to China and Japan. This plant belongs to the Rubiaceae family and is a popular ornamental plant that grows in many parts of the world. Gardenias are best known for their showy white flowers that usually bloom during the summer months and emit a sweet scent that fills the air.


gardenia jasminoides, Cape jasmine
Gardenia tree, characterized by green, hard evergreen leaves (Photo by Mung flower garden)

Gardenia tree helps your health

 Gardenia is known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. This plant has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of health conditions, including infections and inflammation. You may have heard many stories about dried gardenia fruits being used in oriental medicine clinics. Gardenia is said to have the effect of reducing inflammation.

What kind of environment does a gardenia tree like?


 Gardenias are extremely hardy plants that can thrive in a surprising variety of growing conditions. It is best suited to warm, humid climates, such as southern China, and grows well in direct sunlight or partial shade. However, because it tolerates well indoors and adapts well to any environment, the difficulty level of growing it is low. However, gardenia trees need to be watered regularly, especially in hot weather, and fertilizer must be applied every two weeks during the growing season to achieve rapid growth.

How long will a gardenia tree grow?


 Gardenias can grow up to 1.5 meters tall and have a dense, bushy growth habit. Plants that are not very large are usually referred to as "shrub plants," and gardenias belong to this category. They are about 1.5m high at most, so they are often used to create borders around apartment walls. Gardenia's fragrant white flowers can have a diameter of up to 1.5m. It is 12 cm tall and has a waxy texture.The plant blooms in late spring and early summer and may bloom intermittently throughout the year indoors where temperatures are constant.

Gardenia trees that grow well at home


 It's easy to grow gardenias at home if you follow a few simple rules. First, choose a bright, sunny location for your plant. If the south-facing sun is too strong, choose a shady place inside the living room. The soil should be well-drained and slightly acidic with a pH between 5.0 and 6.5. Water your plants regularly to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. If you fertilize your plants every two weeks during the growing season using a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content, you can harvest pretty flowers and valuable fruits.


How do gardenias reproduce?

 Gardenias can be propagated through a variety of methods, including stem cuttings and seed propagation. Stem cuttings are the most common method, taking cuttings from a healthy plant and rooting them in a pot in well-draining soil. Seed propagation is less common, but can also be used to grow new plants from seeds. However, a common method is to cut healthy stems, place them in water to form roots, and then transplant them into soil.


The interesting story of the gardenia tree


 Gardenia has a rich history and has been used in a variety of ways over the centuries. In Japan, this plant is associated with the tea ceremony and is often used to decorate tea rooms. It is also said that in China, gardenia trees are associated with the moon festival.


Gardenia Jasminoides, Cape Jasmine
It's early spring, and gardenia flower clusters are already sprouting. (Photo: Mung flower garden)


Summary of how to grow gardenia trees well!


put it in the right place

 In a typical home, place it in a bright, sunny area of the house. However, it is recommended that you place it in a slightly semi-shade location where it receives too much intense light all day long.

correct watering

 The roots of this plant may rot quickly if the soil is wet. Therefore, we recommend waiting until the soil dries before watering. Typically, the soil drying period in a bright, warm, well-ventilated area is usually 7 days (although there may be a slight difference) when designed with well-draining soil.

Proper Fertilization

 This plant blooms and grows intensively during spring and summer. It depends on the size of the pot, but for small pots, applying nitrogen fertilizer about twice a month will give the plant a lot of strength. At this time, a good solution is to put a small liquid nutrient into a spray bottle, mix it with water, and spray it in a diluted state.


