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Beautiful flower viewing all year round - Anthurium

by 멍뭉이꽃밭 2024. 1. 2.

 Today, I would like to introduce one of the plants that is most loved by Korean mothers in their 60s and 70s. As if enjoying the bright colors of flowers all year round is not enough, the Anthurium boasts shiny and pretty heart-shaped leaves. We will tell you about the Anthurium and how to care it.


Anthurium Classic
Anthurium Classic with attractive red color (Photo by Mung flower garden)


Where does anthurium come from?

 Anthurium is a flowering plant belonging to the Araceae family and is native to Central and South America. Recently, an anthurium company in the Netherlands has developed and sold a variety of unique anthurium species of different sizes, making it a plant that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Anthuriums are commonly known as flamingo flowers, tail flowers, or painter's palette because of their unique and vibrant flowers. Anthuriums boast beautiful flowers in a variety of colors, including red, pink, white, and orange. In fact, the various colors that we perceive as flowers are not petals, but sepals, and the yellow or white buds are called flowers. So, you can enjoy the feeling of enjoying flowers all year round. Along with this, it has become a very popular houseplant due to its ease of care and ability to grow well even in low light conditions.


Characteristics of Anthurium


 Anthurium is a member of the Araceae family, which currently has over 4,000 species. Among these, the Anthurium genus consists of approximately 1,000 species and is known to be mainly found in tropical areas of Central and South America. It seems to be an undeniable fact that it is an enormous species, accounting for a quarter of the Araceae lineage.

These anthuriums are tropical plants that grow in moist, shady environments. It requires high humidity levels and moist soil to thrive. Anthurium is also a shade-loving plant and does not tolerate direct sunlight for long periods of time.

It is a herbaceous perennial plant that grows up to 1m tall. It also has large, glossy, heart-shaped leaves about 1 to 20 cm long. Anthurium flowers are borne on long stems that rise above the leaves and have distinctive spadix and spate. The spadix is the erect central part of the flower that contains the male and female flowers and the spathe is the colorful, modified sepals that surround the spadix, from which these flowers are called.


Types of Anthurium

 As I mentioned earlier, there are many different types of Anthurium, and I will tell you about some of the popular ones.


Anthurium Spirit


 Anthurium spirit, with its cute little pink calyxes, has stunning heart-shaped bright green leaves. This is a very lovely seed, and the baby pink calyx adds to its presence.


Anthurium Spirit
Anthurium spirit featuring pink heart-shaped calyxes (Photo by Mung flower garden)


Anthurium Eclipse

 Anthurium Eclipse is an attractive flower with sharp calyxes that stand out just like the name Eclipse, which means a total lunar eclipse. The leaves are likewise long and sharp, heart-shaped, giving them a very unique feel.


Anthurium Eclipse
Anthurium Eclipse, characterized by white calyxes shaped like lunar eclipse (Photo by Mung flower garden)

Anthurium Scherzeraim

 Anthurium sergerianum, also known as the flamingo flower, is one of the most common types of anthurium. This anthurium is very popular and is often used in flower arrangements. It has bright red flowers along with heart-shaped dark green leaves.

Anthurium Clarinervium

Anthurium Clarinerbium is a beautiful and unusual anthurium with large, velvety leaves with prominent white veins. The flowers of this seed are usually white or cream colored, making them very popular.

Anthurium Magnificum


 Anthurium Magnificent is a striking anthurium with large, velvety leaves with dark green and bronze hues. The flowers of these seeds are typically red or pink. As its name, which means 'majestic', suggests, this species has a very classy and classic feel.


How to take good care of anthurium

Choose the right place

 Anthuriums prefer bright, indirect light and dislike direct sunlight. Like the jungles of South America, where it is native, it is a plant that lives under indirect light sprinkled intermittently under large trees, so it loses its strength when exposed to direct sunlight. It is best to place your anthurium in a north-facing window, in a semi-shady location inside a living room, or in a room or bedroom out of direct sunlight.


correct watering


 Anthuriums need constant moisture to thrive. Water your anthurium when the top soil feels dry to the touch. Proper care is required to keep the soil from becoming soggy. Another way to love anthurium is to occasionally spray its leaves to increase air humidity.

The Interesting History of Anthurium


 Anthurium is one of the plants with a long history that has been growing in South America since before Europeans discovered it. This plant was first discovered by Europeans in the 16th century in Colombia. However, it was not until the late 19th century that anthurium began to be exported to Europe.

The most interesting historical facts about Anthurium can be found in the name of the plant. The scientific name of Anthurium is "Anthurium andraeanum". It is said that this name originated from the Frenchman Edmond André who discovered and first recorded this plant. But this was not true, and Andre was not the one who discovered Anthurium. However, the reason it was named Andre was because Andre was a popular plant collector.

