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Shall we learn about 'Holly wood'?

by 멍뭉이꽃밭 2024. 2. 5.

 When you think of images of the American West, you probably think of “Hollywood” signs written on hillsides. Hollywood, the dream of every celebrity in the world! But did you know that the name of this place was originally named because there were many trees called 'Holly wood'? Today we are going to learn about the holly tree, also called Holly wood! Let’s all go!!!


holly wood
The wonderful tree shape of holly wood (Photo: Mung Flower Garden)


What about Holly wood?

 Holly wood, scientifically called Ilex aquifolium, is an evergreen shrub belonging to the Winter Tree family. This plant grows throughout Europe, North Africa, and western Asia, and is primarily a tree characterized by thick leaves and thorns. In Korea, it is called a holly tree. It is often used as a landscaping tree, and especially as a substitute for a fence when there is a need to divide an area with a fence.


 Holly wood is traditionally used as a decoration during the Christmas season. It is well known that Among the many plants that represent the Christmas season, this holly tree is the most famous. However, this tree is used for many purposes other than simply decorating for Christmas. It is said that wood is very strong, so it is often used in furniture, door handles, and building materials. And this plant also plays an important ecological role. Holly wood is known to be used as food by a variety of animals, including birds, mammals, and insects. Holly wood is also very adaptable to the environment, so it can be easily grown at home. However, this plant loves light and moisture, so it requires proper lighting and care. Also, like other plants, this plant does not like to be exposed to excessive moisture or dry environments, so it requires proper watering schedule management and soil planning.


holly wood
Small-sized Holly wood (Photo: Mung Flower Garden)


Growing Holly wood

 Holly, which has thick leaves and is very strong, is a plant with excellent durability and the least difficulty in growing. Let’s find out how to grow this easy tree well.

Put it in the right place

 First of all, hollies like bright light. It has the ability to withstand direct sunlight very well. We recommend growing it in a bright location near the veranda or living room window.

Correct planting

 Like other trees, this holly tree is also very vulnerable to overwatering. If you think about the environment of California, where Hollywood is located, it will be easy to understand. It actually prefers an environment with slightly loose, dry soil. Therefore, you must set it with a soil mix that drains well. It is true that plants planted by experts are healthier. Recently, there are many cases where non-experts open shops with only vague knowledge they have learned through YouTube, etc., so it is best to be careful.

Correct watering

 Holly is a plant that does not like wet soil, but requires moderate watering. Of course, it has a lot of moisture inside its plump leaves, so it can withstand dry environments for a long time, but it is a plant that requires regular and appropriate watering. It can be said that it is appropriate to water approximately every 10 to 15 days when placed in a bright place based on potted plants, but in fact, the setting of the soil in the pot may be a more important factor, so please keep in mind.



A funny story about Holly wood

 Lastly, let me tell you an interesting story. Holly wood is a tree that is associated with Halloween, a traditional British festival. Halloween is a festival held on October 31, and is still a popular festival in many countries, including the UK. It is said that Halloween originally originated from the belief that the souls of the dead return to haunt the living. At this festival, small wooden statues made of Holly wood branches or leaves are made and placed in front of houses, with the belief that they protect the living from evil spirits. Also, at the Halloween festival, it is traditional to use the thorns of Holly wood, cut them to an appropriate length, and use them like a knife.


 Milk Day (May Day) is a festival held on May 1 in England and celebrates the beginning of spring. Holly wood also plays an important role in this festival. On Milk Day, cute little wooden statues are usually made using Holly wood leaves and flowers and left floating in the air or hung in front of houses to symbolize spring. This tradition has been maintained to this day and has had a great influence on British culture and history. Holly wood has a symbolic meaning in these traditional British festivals and is said to play an important role in understanding British culture and history.

