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Beautiful leaves that look like they were painted on a picture, lubbersiana

by 멍뭉이꽃밭 2024. 2. 1.

 Recently, as the import of exotic plant species has become more active in Korea, various tropical plants that were not seen before can be easily seen around us. Today, "Calathea lubbersiana"  is a popular plant in the Marantha family with beautiful leaves that look like they were painted with a pretty brush. Let’s learn about Calathea ctenante lubbersiana variegata. Let's go!


Calathea lubbersiana
The beautiful appearance of Calathea lubbersiana (Photo: Mung Flower Garden)

1. What about Calathea lubbersiana?

 Calathea lubbersiana is a species of Maranthaceae and is a plant with red, white, or light green patterned leaves. This plant is a tropical plant that grows mostly in Latin America. With its exotic patterns and shapes, it is a plant that adapts well indoors, so it is perfect as a living room or room plan decoration accessory.

 The real name of this Calathea lubbersiana is “Calathea ctenante lubbersiana variegata”, which is a very long name. It is a plant that lives under large trees in the tropical jungles of Central America, and lives in the sunlight that occasionally shines through the leaves of the trees and the moisture in the humid atmosphere. Most plants belonging to the Marantha family live under the jungle, and representative examples include Marantha, Calathea, Stronante, and Syngonium.


 They have bright and pretty colorful leaves, and their patterns are quite regular, so they are often mistaken as "plastic products". Because of their bright colors, when these plants were initially introduced to Korea, many plant early adopters gave them good light. There were many stories of people burning the leaves by exposing them to direct sunlight for long periods of time due to the preconceived notion that the more they were received, the more intense the color would be.

 As explained earlier, these friends of the Marantha family are children who live with light filtered by somewhat tall trees, so they are plants that require partial shade and indirect lighting rather than direct sunlight.

 Calathea lubbersiana, introduced today, shows a unique form of growth in which leaf stems extend one by one from a wide stem. So it is not an easy plant to keep in shape. However, it is a unique plant that grows well regardless of the season and has high vitality, so even if it is suffering as if it is about to die, it produces several strong leaves at some point.

 Flowers usually do not bloom often, but when they do bloom, they are simple yet beautiful. However, because it has very pretty leaves, it is grown and managed as a houseplant.


Calathea lubbersiana
Calathea lubbersiana has stems extending one after another from one branch to form leaves. (Photo: Mung Flower Garden)

2. How to care for Calathea lubbersiana at home

 Calathea lubbersiana is a plant with leaves decorated with beautiful green and yellow stripes. It grows well indoors and is one of the popular plants that can colorfully decorate the surroundings. However, if this plant is not properly maintained, problems such as yellow leaves and mold may occur. So today, let’s learn how to properly care for Calathea lubbersiana .


Correct environment settings

 Calathea lubbersiana likes to grow in bright locations. However, if exposed to direct sunlight, the leaves may discolor or die due to high temperature and dryness, so it is recommended to choose a bright indoor space that can receive sunlight. Therefore, we recommend placing it inside the living room or in a room. Also, keeping the room temperature between about 18 and 24 degrees is suitable for this plant. If the temperature drops below 10 degrees in winter, the likelihood of suffering from cold damage increases.

Proper Watering

 It is best to water Calathea lubbersiana before the soil dries completely. Generally, watering about once a week is appropriate for potted plants. However, it is important to keep the soil dry to prevent problems caused by overwatering. Remember that although tropical areas are humid, they are well-drained, so the roots are not immersed in mud. A well-draining soil design is essential. Additionally, the frequency and amount of watering must be carefully observed and adjusted appropriately.



 Calathea lubbersiana is a very fast growing plant, so it is a good idea to use fertilizer to help it grow healthier. However, excessive fertilizer can actually damage plants, so you need to know how to use it. In general, it is recommended to use liquid fertilizer every two weeks in the spring and summer, and every four weeks in the fall and winter. However, when planting in good, nutrient-rich soil, it is best to refrain from applying excessive fertilizer.



 Pruning is one of the essential tasks to keep your plants healthy and beautiful. Proper pruning promotes plant growth and maintains the health and shape of the leaves. First, the best time to prune is spring and summer. This is the growing period for the plant, so pruning can further promote growth. When pruning, first remove the leaves by hand. In fact, the branches of lubbersiana are so stem-shaped that they can hardly be called branches, so it is not easy to tell them apart.


 First, look at the leaves as a guide. When choosing which leaves to remove, it is best to select the lower leaves as much as possible. This will allow the upper leaves to grow better. If leaves are difficult to remove by hand, clean scissors or branches should be used. Using dirty equipment can introduce infectious diseases to your plants. Also, be sure to be gentle when handling plants, as handling them too harshly can cause damage to them. Finally, after pruning, it is important to give your plants plenty of water. This will help your plants grow healthier.

