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Shall we learn about Hong Kong palm tree? Is it a Hong Kong palm tree(Schefflera arboricola, Snake plant) because it is a palm tree that you can see a lot in Hong Kong? Today, we will learn about the origin and origin of the Hong Kong palm tree, its various ecological characteristics, any toxicity or precautions, and what types there are. In particular, we will provide information about the large-leaved Hong Kong palm. Origin of Hong Ko.. 2023. 12. 26.
What is a Yuju tree? The Yuju tree is a pretty ornamental plant that blooms with fragrant white flowers in the spring, and is a fruit tree that bears cute orange fruits in the fall. Let's learn about the jujube tree, which is small in size and has attractive light green, cute leaves that make it a good ornamental tree. In particular, it does not have thorns like lemons, so it is very good to grow. Where is the origi.. 2023. 12. 25.
Let’s find out which pencil cactus is easy to grow. An easy-to-care plant, the pencil cactus is very popular due to its beautiful appearance and thornless appearance. I will tell you in detail about the origin and ecology of this pencil cactus, how to grow it, how to manage it, how to water it, and what to watch out for. “Please recommend plants that are easy to grow.” For those who are afraid of growing plants, what are “easy-to-grow plants”? Yo.. 2023. 12. 24.
Find out about Jewel Money Tree (Dwarf ZZ plant) 'Jewel Money Tree', called 'Dwarf ZZ plant' in English-speaking countries, is famous in Korea as a plant that brings financial luck. In South Korea, it is a custom to give this plant as a gift to a friend when they open a store or move to a new office. Today, we will learn about the Dwarf ZZ plant. Dwarf ZZ plant with leaves as brilliant as jewels Dwarf ZZ plant is a popular indoor plant known f.. 2023. 12. 23.
Such a beautiful yellow flower, "Anishidae" I introduce the form, place of origin, scientific name, and how to grow Anishidae(Cytisus scoparius), which produces beautiful yellow flowers in rows in spring. Along with this, you can also see photos of Anisidae being sold at "Mung Flower Garden-in Busan, South Korea". Shall we learn about Anisidae, a foliage plant that is still cute and pretty even after its flowers fade? What is Anisidae! An.. 2023. 12. 23.
개암죽? 행운목? 아니죠... 드라세나 레몬라임 8~90년대 한국의 식물 시장은 행운목이 대세였습니다. 온통 개업화분선물이며 가정마다 행운목이 자리를 잡았었죠. 독특하고 아름다운 잎과 깔끔한 목대, 그리고 열심히 키우다보면 아름답게 피어나는 행운의 꽃이 이런 저런 행운을 가져다준다 하여 인기가 많았었습니다. 그 이후에 행운목을 대체하여 개암죽이 잠시 나오더니, 최근에는 드라세나 종들이 그 자리를 차지하게 되었습니다. 여러 드라세나 종 가운데, 오늘은 넓고 깔끔한 잎이 매력적인 드라세나 레몬라임을 알아보겠습니다. 드라세나 레몬라임은요?! 동남아시아, 아프리카, 남미의 열대 지역에서 자라는 드라세나 종 중 이 드라세나 레몬라임은 Dracaena warneki와 Dracaena Janet craig의 교잡종으로 만들어진 식물로 알려져 있습니다. 투톤의 연한.. 2023. 12. 20.